UT Lands Compass Home

Compass Frequently Asked Questions

The UL Project Team is committed to keeping you informed about the planned changes and ensuring your questions are answered.

In an effort to meet on-going training needs, the Team will continually share Customer submitted questions and responses. Questions and responses are sorted by major categories.

If you have a question, please feel free to submit to ULNews@utsystem.edu. The team will respond and publish questions and responses as quickly as possible.

FAQ's By Category


General Info

Q: Where can I find the Compass training materials?
A: The Compass training materials are located on the University Lands Compass page at www.utlands.utsystem.edu/Compasstraining.aspx or within the Compass Portal.

On the University Lands Compass page:
- Select the video based on training topic need

On the Compass Portal Landing Page:
- Click on the Training and Documentation link
- Select appropriate PDF document and/or video based for the training topic desired.
Q: What are the due dates for royalty payments?
A: Oil and Gas royalty payments are due on the 5th and 15th, respectively. These dates are dictated by statute; therefore, no leniency can be granted.
Q: What are the due dates for production reports?
A: Oil production reports (UT1) are due on the 5th of every month. Gas production reports (UT2) are due on the 15th of every month.

For the first reporting period on Compass (August production reported in October 2014), BOTH oil and gas are due on the 15th. In November, the reporting due dates will revert back to the 5th and 15th.
Q: Can I still use TexNET or send a check?
There are no changes to the current University Lands royalty payment process. You can continue to submit payments via TexNet for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or via check. Reporters that remit $20,000 or more annually in royalty payments are required to use EFT payments. If you have additional questions, please contact Claudia Molina at cmolina@utsystem.edu.

NOTE - A Royalty Payment Summary (UT3) must be submitted via Compass for each check or EFT payment at the time the payment is made.
Q: Where can I find the Company # needed for the Purchaser/Payor designation?
A: To locate the Purchaser/Payor Number:
- Go to the University Lands’ Homepage at www.utlands.utsystem.edu
- Click on the Resources Tab
- Click on Purchaser Look-Up
- Enter Company Name (broader = better)
- Click Search
- The Purchaser/Payor Number will display

Compass Security

Q: What are the Compass login User ID and Password requirements?
A: User ID:
- User ID must have a minimum of 6 characters
- No special characters allowed
- Upper and lower case letters and numbers are accepted but not required

- Password must have a minimum of 8 characters
- At least 1 character must be a letter (either upper or lower case)
- At least 3 characters must be numbers
- Symbols or special characters ARE allowed but not required
- Password is case sensitive
Q: How do I register to be a Compass Portal user? (Do I need to complete a UT6 Form?)
A: If your company is not yet registered as a Compass user:
- Download and submit a completed UT6 form to Claudia Molina cmolina@utsystem.edu (Form UT-6 PDF).
- The UT6 Form is available on the Compass Portal Login Page.
- Once received, University Lands will complete the registration process and create the company’s Compass administrator account.
- The newly created administrator will receive an e-mail with a User ID and a link to create a password for the Compass portal.

If your company has already registered as a Compass user, but YOU are a new user:
- Complete the New User section on the Compass portal login page.
- OR reach out to your company’s Compass Administrator, who can create a User ID for you.
- Once your administrator completes the new user set-up process, you will receive an e-mail with your Compass portal User ID and a link directing you to complete the process and set your password.

UT1 and UT2

Q: How do I locate my previously filed UT1 and UT2 reports?
A: Compass offers a search UT1 and UT2 query. Additionally, by accessing the UT1 and UT2 screen, you can find all of your previous reports in the property grid. Each report for a given production date and product type is listed.
Q: Will I receive a confirmation for a successful UT1, UT2, or UT3 report submission? - How do I know University Lands received my UT1, UT2, UT3 report?
A: There is not no confirmation received for a successful UT1, UT2, or UT3 submission.

For the UT1 or UT2 a Property grid status of “SENT” provides an indication of successful report submission. For the UT3 a Header grid status of “SENT” provides an indication of a successful report submission.

NEW = Records that are not SAVED or VALIDATED
SAVED = Records that were successfully committed to the database via the SAVE button, but are not yet validated
VALIDATED = Indicates record passed all validation criteria
ERROR = Record displays "ERROR" if the record fails validation criteria
SENT = Only VALIDATED records are available for submission – once submission is successful, the Status changes to SENT.
Q: What UT1 fields are required?
A: The required fields differs based on certain criteria. The Property Grid, Disposition Grid, Tract Grid, and Purchaser Grid each have different requirements.

Refer to the various training materials for the fields that are required in the various scenarios.

Q: Can I submit a Zero Production and/or Zero Sales UT1 or UT2?
A: Zero Production and/or Zero Sales UT1’s are permissible. A monthly report is required on all active properties. Zero reports must be submitted when there is no activity otherwise a penalty for non-filing will be assessed.
- Zero values are required for the Property Grid fields.
- At least one Disposition must be created.
- At least one Purchaser must be entered.
Q: What UT2 fields are required?
A: The required fields differs based on certain criteria. The Property Grid, Disposition Grid, Tract Grid, and Purchaser Grid each have different requirements.

Refer to the various training materials for the fields that are required in the various scenarios.
Q: What do the UT1, UT2, and UT3 ERROR messages mean? - How do I correct? - Can I submit my report with ERRORS?
A: ERROR = After validation, “ERROR" is displayed if the record fails the validation criteria. Fields with an Error message must be corrected in order to successfully validate and send a production or royalty payment report.

WARNING = A “WARNING" status is displayed when the system suggests the user review an entry. A Warning message will not prevent the user from validating and sending a production or royalty payment report.
- Hover the cursor over the Error/Warning icon to reveal the detailed message.
- To correct an Error/Warning field, select the field and edit the data.
+ You must SAVE and VALIDATE the changes.
Q: What are the Disposition Codes? - Do I have to create a separate report for each Disposition Type?
A: Disposition Codes differ based on whether they are UT1 or UT2 related but the purpose is to report the disposition method for the production on the report being filed. Multiple dispositions are acceptable for a single property / production month.
Resource: Disposition Codes
Q: What is the RRC Type? - I am reporting on gas, but the field shows an error when I enter “G.”
A: The RRC Type designates whether a well’s primarily production is oil (the letter O, not zero) or gas (the letter G). This is NOT the product type of the production you are trying to report. It is possible that the RRC Type is “O” when you are reporting gas production and conversely the RRC type is “G” when you are reporting oil production. The RRC type is assigned by the RRC when a well is completed.

If an error occurs when entering a UT3 Check Detail RRC Type, verify the correct RRC Type by using the Search UT1 and UT2 query or review the UT1 and UT2 Property Grid for that lease.

Q: What is the difference between the Delete and Void functions?
A: For UT1 and UT2:
• To remove an unwanted row in the Disposition or Purchaser grid, select (highlight) the row and press Delete. An Undo option is available if the wrong row is selected.

For UT3:
- To reverse a SENT UT3, press Void and the transaction will be “undone.” If the status of the UT3 is LOCKED it cannot be voided as this status indicates it has been matched with a payment.
- Delete a Header or Check Detail if the status is New, Saved, or Validated.
- To edit a Locked UT3 payment, use a reallocation (if appropriate).

Q: Can I submit UT1 and UT2 Prior Period Adjustments (PPA’s) via CSV upload? Can I submit UT1 and UT2 Prior Period Adjustments (PPA’s) via the same CSV as new/original Production Reports?
A: The Compass portal allows for Prior Period Adjustments (PPA’s) to be submitted via a CSV upload.

PPA’s can be submitted on the same CSV upload as original UT1 and UT2 production reports.

Q: Can I submit UT1 (Oil) and UT2 (Gas) Production Reports on the same CSV upload? - Is there a restriction on the number of leases I can include on one CSV upload file?
A: The Compass Portal allows for both UT1 (Oil) and UT2 (Gas) Productions Reports to be submitted on the same CSV upload file.

There is only one CSV template used to upload both UT1 and UT2 Production reports, so fields applicable to both UT1 and UT2 reporting appear on the template and the user need only enter data in the fields applicable to the type of report they want to submit.
- For example, the BTU Factor (Column R) field is only relevant to Gas reporting and would contain no value on a line reporting oil production.

Q: What if I make an incorrect entry into the Compass Portal? - Can I make edits to a record in a SENT or LOCKED Status?
- For a UT1 or UT2 record:
+ A “SENT” UT1 or UT2 cannot be edited; you must submit a Reverse/Rebook.
+ To remove an unwanted Disposition or Purchaser row in the rebook record, select (highlight) the row and press Delete.
- If you mistakenly Delete a row, the Undo option is available until the SENT button is clicked.
- For a UT3 record:
+ To reverse a SENT UT3, press Void and the transaction will be undone.
+ A LOCKED UT3 cannot be edited; you must use the Reallocation UT3.

Q: Do I have to report whole #’s only?
A: The Compass Portal allows (for most fields) 2 places after the decimal point. You should report number as accurately as possible, inclusive of values after the decimal point.
Q: Can I report using the Permit Number?
A: The Compass Portal allows reporters to submit UT1’s (Oil) and UT2’s (Gas) production reports and UT3 Royalty Payment Reports using the permit number until the RRC lease number is assigned. This eliminates the need for paper reports during the permit period. Paper reports are no longer accepted after October 6, 2014.

Q: When filing a Prior Period Adjustment (PPA), do I reference the Permit Number or RRC Lease Number?
A: The permit number is used until the RRC lease number is assigned. Once the RRC lease number is assigned, you must notify University Lands. They will update the property records, so you can begin reporting with the RRC lease number.

To report a Prior Period Adjustment (PPA) to a production period before the RRC Lease Number was assigned, the Rebook must align with the initial report, e.g. the permit or the RRC # used when it was filed.
- For example, if you reported a Production Month under a specific Permit Number originally, you must report the Rebook under that same Permit Number.
- Once an RRC Lease Number is assigned, all reporting and PPA’s from that production month forward use the RRC Lease Number.

Q: On the Compass Portal UT1 and UT2 screen, what is the difference between Incomplete and Complete Status?
A: On the Compass portal UT1 and UT2 screen each row in the header grid shows a status of Incomplete or Complete:
- Incomplete means at least one lease for that production month / report type has a status other than SENT (e.g., NEW, SAVED, ERROR, or VALIDATED).
- Complete means ALL leases for that production month / report type have a status of SENT.


Q: How can I ensure my 3rd party payor files the UT3?
A: The Compass portal provides a Customer Account Balance query that allows reporters to determine if royalties were paid and applied to their leases.

University Lands also encourages reporters to contact their 3rd party payors and ensure they are aware of the requirement to submit the UT3 on-line via the Compass portal effective October 6, 2014.
Q: What information does a 3rd party payor need to complete the UT3?
A: Any party submitting the Royalty Payment Report (UT3) must have the following information:
- Total oil or gas royalty amount due (required)
- UL Lease Number (required)
- RRC Lease or Permit Number (required)
- RRC District (required)
- RRC Type (required)
- Production Month (required)
- Oil or Gas Payment Detail (required)
- Unit Number (if applicable)
- Tract Number (if applicable)
- Unit Level Disposition type (if applicable)
Q: Does a 3rd party payor need to be a registered Compass portal user?
A: Yes – Effective October 6, 2014, ALL Royalty Payment Reports (UT3’s) must be submitted on-line via the Compass Portal, either manually or by CSV. In order to access the Compass Portal, a user must register to receive an active account User ID.

Q: Will I receive a confirmation for a successful UT1, UT2, or UT3 report submission? - How do I know University Lands received my UT1, UT2, UT3 report?
A: There is not no confirmation received for a successful UT1, UT2, or UT3 submission.

For the UT1 or UT2 a Property grid status of “SENT” provides an indication of successful report submission. For the UT3 a Header grid status of “SENT” provides an indication of a successful report submission.

NEW = Records that are not SAVED or VALIDATED
SAVED = Records that were successfully committed to the database via the SAVE button, but are not yet validated
VALIDATED = Indicates record passed all validation criteria
ERROR = Record displays "ERROR" if the record fails validation criteria
SENT = Only VALIDATED records are available for submission – once submission is successful, the Status changes to SENT.
Q: What UT3 fields are required?
A: All UT3 fields are required except for the following Check Details fields:
- Your Lease Name
- Your Company Number
The following fields are required only when submitting unit related payments:
- Unit Number
- Tract Number
The following field is required only when submitting unit a level disposition payment:
- Disposition
Q: What do the UT1, UT2, and UT3 ERROR messages mean? - How do I correct? - Can I submit my report with ERRORS?
A: ERROR = After validation, “ERROR" is displayed if the record fails the validation criteria. Fields with an Error message must be corrected in order to successfully validate and send a production or royalty payment report.

WARNING = A “WARNING" status is displayed when the system suggests the user review an entry. A Warning message will not prevent the user from validating and sending a production or royalty payment report.
- Hover the cursor over the Error/Warning icon to reveal the detailed message.
- To correct an Error/Warning field, select the field and edit the data.
+ You must SAVE and VALIDATE the changes.
Q: What is the RRC Type? - I am reporting on gas, but the field shows an error when I enter “G.”
A: The RRC Type designates whether a well’s primarily production is oil (the letter O, not zero) or gas (the letter G). This is NOT the product type of the production you are trying to report. It is possible that the RRC Type is “O” when you are reporting gas production and conversely the RRC type is “G” when you are reporting oil production. The RRC type is assigned by the RRC when a well is completed.

If an error occurs when entering a UT3 Check Detail RRC Type, verify the correct RRC Type by using the Search UT1 and UT2 query or review the UT1 and UT2 Property Grid for that lease.

Q: What is the difference between the Delete and Void functions?
A: For UT1 and UT2:
• To remove an unwanted row in the Disposition or Purchaser grid, select (highlight) the row and press Delete. An Undo option is available if the wrong row is selected.

For UT3:
- To reverse a SENT UT3, press Void and the transaction will be “undone.” If the status of the UT3 is LOCKED it cannot be voided as this status indicates it has been matched with a payment.
- Delete a Header or Check Detail if the status is New, Saved, or Validated.
- To edit a Locked UT3 payment, use a reallocation (if appropriate).

Q: When should I use a Reallocation versus moving money on my original UT3 when I am making a payment?
Can I move money?
Between Leases?
Between Production Months?
Between Products?
A: Use your monthly UT3 when there is a balance due on a current month’s report or a prior period adjustment.
- If you are reallocating money from a prior UT3 (e.g., from another lease or another production month), and are moving that money to the current production month only, you can use a UT3 that has a balance due without any penalties.
- These UT3’s will get a Trace Number that starts with the letter “C.”
- Remember, your UT3 must tie exactly to your royalty payment made to University Lands.

Use the Reallocation UT3 (no balance due, the report foots to zero) when you are moving previous payments to any prior production months.
- Reallocations to prior periods are not subject to penalties if filed using a Reallocation UT3 (no balance due, the report foots to zero).
- Reallocation UT3’s must net to Zero.
- These UT3’s will get a Trace Number that starts with the letter “R.”
+ Reallocations can also be applied to the current production month as long as the reallocation nets to zero.

Q: What if I make an incorrect entry into the Compass Portal? - Can I make edits to a record in a SENT or LOCKED Status?
- For a UT1 or UT2 record:
+ A “SENT” UT1 or UT2 cannot be edited; you must submit a Reverse/Rebook.
+ To remove an unwanted Disposition or Purchaser row in the rebook record, select (highlight) the row and press Delete.
- If you mistakenly Delete a row, the Undo option is available until the SENT button is clicked.
- For a UT3 record:
+ To reverse a SENT UT3, press Void and the transaction will be undone.
+ A LOCKED UT3 cannot be edited; you must use the Reallocation UT3.

Q: Do I have to report whole #’s only?
A: The Compass Portal allows (for most fields) 2 places after the decimal point. You should report number as accurately as possible, inclusive of values after the decimal point.
Q: Can I report using the Permit Number?
A: The Compass Portal allows reporters to submit UT1’s (Oil) and UT2’s (Gas) production reports and UT3 Royalty Payment Reports using the permit number until the RRC lease number is assigned. This eliminates the need for paper reports during the permit period. Paper reports are no longer accepted after October 6, 2014.

Q: On the Compass portal UT3 screen, what does LOCKED status mean?
A: When a UT3 Royalty Payment Report is matched to a payment (check or TexNet EFT), the record changes from SENT to LOCKED status and the entire record becomes read-only.

CSV Uploads

Q: Where can I find the Compass CSV templates?
A: The CSV templates are located on the University Lands Compass page at www.utlands.utsystem.edu/Compasstraining.aspx or on the Training and Documentation link on the home page of the Compass portal.

On the University Lands Compass page:
- Select the appropriate template link – UT1/UT2 CSV Template or UT3 CSV template

On the Compass Portal Landing Page:
- Click on the Training and Documentation link
- Go To CSV Section
- Select appropriate template
Q: Do I have to use the CSV upload process?
A: Reporters are NOT required to use the CSV upload process to submit their oil and gas production reports or royalty payments. These reports can be entered manually.

Effective October 6, 2014, ALL reporters MUST submit their UT1, UT2, and UT3 reports on-line via the Compass portal, either by manual entry or CSV. Paper reports will no longer be accepted.
Q: What are the Disposition Codes? - Do I have to create a separate report for each Disposition Type?
A: Disposition Codes differ based on whether they are UT1 or UT2 related but the purpose is to report the disposition method for the production on the report being filed. Multiple dispositions are acceptable for a single property / production month.
Resource: Disposition Codes
Q: What is the RRC Type? - I am reporting on gas, but the field shows an error when I enter “G.”
A: The RRC Type designates whether a well’s primarily production is oil (the letter O, not zero) or gas (the letter G). This is NOT the product type of the production you are trying to report. It is possible that the RRC Type is “O” when you are reporting gas production and conversely the RRC type is “G” when you are reporting oil production. The RRC type is assigned by the RRC when a well is completed.

If an error occurs when entering a UT3 Check Detail RRC Type, verify the correct RRC Type by using the Search UT1 and UT2 query or review the UT1 and UT2 Property Grid for that lease.

Q: Can I submit UT1 and UT2 Prior Period Adjustments (PPA’s) via CSV upload? Can I submit UT1 and UT2 Prior Period Adjustments (PPA’s) via the same CSV as new/original Production Reports?
A: The Compass portal allows for Prior Period Adjustments (PPA’s) to be submitted via a CSV upload.

PPA’s can be submitted on the same CSV upload as original UT1 and UT2 production reports.

Q: Can I submit UT1 (Oil) and UT2 (Gas) Production Reports on the same CSV upload? - Is there a restriction on the number of leases I can include on one CSV upload file?
A: The Compass Portal allows for both UT1 (Oil) and UT2 (Gas) Productions Reports to be submitted on the same CSV upload file.

There is only one CSV template used to upload both UT1 and UT2 Production reports, so fields applicable to both UT1 and UT2 reporting appear on the template and the user need only enter data in the fields applicable to the type of report they want to submit.
- For example, the BTU Factor (Column R) field is only relevant to Gas reporting and would contain no value on a line reporting oil production.

Q: Does the order of the CSV file columns matter? - Can I change the order of the columns or delete unnecessary columns? - Can I put a blank row between leases?
A: The order of the Compass Portal CSV template columns is critical. DO NOT delete or reorder columns. If you do not have any data for a particular column or field, simply leave it blank unless an entry of zero is required.
Blank rows do not affect the upload, you may insert blank rows between leases.
Q: Do I have to report whole #’s only?
A: The Compass Portal allows (for most fields) 2 places after the decimal point. You should report number as accurately as possible, inclusive of values after the decimal point.
Q: Can I report using the Permit Number?
A: The Compass Portal allows reporters to submit UT1’s (Oil) and UT2’s (Gas) production reports and UT3 Royalty Payment Reports using the permit number until the RRC lease number is assigned. This eliminates the need for paper reports during the permit period. Paper reports are no longer accepted after October 6, 2014.

Q: When filing a Prior Period Adjustment (PPA), do I reference the Permit Number or RRC Lease Number?
A: The permit number is used until the RRC lease number is assigned. Once the RRC lease number is assigned, you must notify University Lands. They will update the property records, so you can begin reporting with the RRC lease number.

To report a Prior Period Adjustment (PPA) to a production period before the RRC Lease Number was assigned, the Rebook must align with the initial report, e.g. the permit or the RRC # used when it was filed.
- For example, if you reported a Production Month under a specific Permit Number originally, you must report the Rebook under that same Permit Number.
- Once an RRC Lease Number is assigned, all reporting and PPA’s from that production month forward use the RRC Lease Number.

Reports, Queries, and Notifications

Q: Is University Lands converting my historical production reports and royalty payment reports? (How can I access my historical data?)
A: University Lands converted 10 years of Production Reporting and Royalty Payment Reporting data. Reporters can access this information via the Compass portal in a variety of ways:

- Search UT1 and UT2 query – Provides production reporting data
- Customer Account Balance query – Provides Royalty Reporting data combined with the corresponding payment data
- UT1 and UT2 – Provides access to all (prior 10 years) Oil and Gas production reports
- UT3 – Provides access to all (prior 10 years) Royalty Payment data
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